後半 "それは物語を綴るように。食と人との新たな繋がりを求めて。"
— 食のインスタレーションとは具体的にはどのようなものなのでしょうか

このことを"強い文脈と弱い文脈"という言葉で見解・解説している本があります。デザインイノベーションファームのtakramに在籍しているデザイナーの渡邉康太郎さんです。彼の著書『CONTEXT DESIGN』には、私が言語化できなかったことを具体的な言葉に落とし込んでおり、非常に感銘を受けました。コンテクストという視点は私にとって、とても重要な要素であり、食の世界において私が独自に関心を寄せていることでもあります。渡邉さんは著書の中で、世界は「もとは弱かった」文脈の連なりでできていると書いています。あるひとりの創作が、また次なる創作を生む「内なる創作」について触れています。
— 今までの食の在り方とは一線を介する壮大なプロジェクトですね

— インスタレーションに共通するテーマやコンセプトはありますか

— 料理家であり詩人ですね
— アトリエには古書がたくさんありますよね。「再解釈」をするためにまずはルーツを探ることを常に考えているのでしょうか

— 最後に、表現したいもの追求したいことなど今後の展望を教えてください

まずは自身の作品を体験した方から弱い文脈を集めることですかね。数多の弱い文脈を重ねた先に、まったく食べ物が存在しない空間で食を感じる展示がしたいです。正に脈絡のない料理の集大成のような、実際にそこに存在しない食べ物を鑑賞者が、弱い文脈の連なりから、かつてそこに存在した食べ物がどんなものだったのかを想起してもらう。そういう展示をしてみたいですね。食べ物がない食べ物の展示なんておかしくて楽しそうじゃないですか。 想像力を掻き立てられるような、そんな作品づくりをこれからもしていきたいです。
"A World Connected by Food, Stories Woven with Food"— Ryuju Kitajima (Artist)
As if to Weave a Tale. A Pursuit to Achieve a New Connection Between People and Food.
— Please tell us in detail what a gastronomic installation is.
I define my idea of a gastronomic installation as a work of art that creates an ecosystem that embodies an aspect that illustrates the notions within a person’s soul. Basically, the process of gastronomy involves creation and consumption. However, my installations do not have a focus on the meals themselves. The meals are merely processes, and the main focus of my work revolves around what my guests sense and what they discover after they finish their meals. Therefore, I am unable to see the results of my works. The meals I presented transfer on to the diner and eventually disappears. My work is modeled on how my guests document what eventually becomes lost based on their impressions on the experiences I offered.
There is a book by Kotaro Watanabe of the design innovation firm takram called CONTEXT DESIGN that describes this phenomenon as strong and weak context. I was heavily inspired by it since the book detailed various notions I was unable to verbalize. The perspective of context is a crucial element for me, and it is something I have a deep focus on in the field of gastronomy. In his book, Watanabe had stated that the world is founded on a primitively weak context. He also explained how inner creations, which spawn from any single creation, become a gateway that paves a path to the next creation.
All great novels and movies become a part of anyone who comes across them, converting them into avatars that relay their version of what they witnessed. For example, even if these avatars were to experience the same piece of work, they may, at times, end up sharing their favored perspective while speaking to others of what they experienced through it. In other words, weak contexts are representations of various interpretations while strong contexts are representations of an artist’s intent. At this point, the rights and wrongs of interpretations have little meaning. An art piece becomes whole when the strong contexts of artists are fused with weak contexts of whoever experiences the work. This is what defines the essence of my approach, and I believe that whoever experiences my work will convey their experiences to others.
Many chefs at restaurants around the world tend to create their dishes based on the name of a certain dish as well as the ingredients that are written on menus. It is without saying that my work will fill an empty stomach, but I avoid providing my guests with clues on how my dishes are prepared or what ingredients are in them. I only provide them with texts that vaguely describe my intentions so that they would develop unique interpretations of what they consumed. We would then discuss what they felt through the experience. I believe that when these small contexts, which are built up of organic interpretations I acquire from my guests, are compiled to form a greater context, a day where my work would be recognized as a new interpretation for gastronomical installations will eventually come.
— This sounds like a massive project that draws a clear line between conventional culinary cultures.
I am devoted to accomplishing my Incoherent Cuisine project, a project I consider my lifework. I believe that life is an accumulation of incoherent happenings that is contextualized when reflected on for the first time. This is exactly what represents strong and weak contexts. If my work, that are filled with my intent, are forms of strong context, my guests that consume them would weave weak contexts. When these contexts are gathered, they form a greater one.
As a part of my installation, I provide my guests with messages I prepared as a kind of menu to accompany my dishes. Even if my guests were to read these messages many years later, their memory of the dishes would be vague, causing them to come up with new interpretations of their experiences. Memories of recent events and memories of experiences reflected on several years later vary greatly. However, if the experience is unique and impressive, people will remember them clearly.
— Do you have a common theme or concept for your installations?
Common aspects I apply include Relation and Communication, both of which I value greatly. My work is not centered around how I want to create the dish itself. Instead, I lay emphasis on working to weave words that are produced through Relation and Communication. My creative process, which includes another person’s perspective, may well be rooted in the fact that I view things with a design-based way of thinking. Also, I am usually involved in projects that involve other people. In these cases, I have several interactions with them to interweave anything developed through them. Since my dishes are conceived through this process, I never have a plan for what kind of ingredients I would use or an idea of what they would taste like. I start preparing my dishes only after I compile and write down whatever fragments of exchanges I collect through Relation and Communication. Therefore, I am unable to prepare anything unless I obtain a certain form of vocabulary. However, I am not interested in weaving words that are simply beautiful in form. I simply rely on context that I am capable of devising myself.
— So, does this make you both a chef and poet?
I do not really have a preference for titles. However, I do not see myself as a poet. I do not have experience as a writer, and the difference in skill between an amateur and professional writer is obviously clear. For example, kind of like a love letter written impulsively, I would cringe if I went back to review what I had rashly written. On the other hand, I also believe that this sense of awkwardness is another factor that should be embraced since its ability to make you wince when it is reviewed is an authentic emotion. When this emotion is applied as context, I believe I can achieve an incoherent cuisine.
Since what defines an artistic installation varies, I have had people come up to me and tell me that my works were not installations. However, I have a firm belief that it is relevant to reinterpret the definition of installations in the culinary field. I am sure that I would reach a point throughout my activities that the people who view my work negatively would reconsider their initial responses. To achieve this, I find it crucial to continue my efforts, and therefore, I must collect a massive number of weak contexts to make my work legitimate enough to have people understand my activities. I am also in search for various factors that would get more people interested in my work.
— You have a large collection of old books in your atelier. Are you in constant pursuit to discover the roots of things to achieve your sense of reinterpretation?
Yes, I believe understanding the history of culinary culture is a crucial thing. Multidirectionally approaching factors like religion, philosophy, and cultural anthropology is a key element in my work. This is because most of us are oblivious to the historical roots of various items we come into contact with, consume, and wear. Also, I do not own many recipe books since I am not that interested in the technical aspect of cooking. The few that I own serve only as eye candy. Although cooking techniques are constantly upgraded, thanks to the Internet, it is easy to acquire information on these developments. I believe that understanding the background of things is equal to the “Shu” stage of “Shuhari,” an element of cha-no-yu, and to me, it is most crucial to understand the essence and roots of ancient etiquettes, customs, and cultures as well as how they were passed down to the present. For this reason, books are of great importance to me.
— Lastly, please tell us of any new approaches for your expressions or goals you are aiming to achieve.
I will continue collecting weak contexts from people that have experienced my work. From there on, I am looking to hold an exhibition in which guests would go through a gastronomic experience in a space devoid of any food. They would reimagine what dish had existed in that space by comprehending weak contexts. Imagine visiting an exhibition on food, but without the food. Doesn’t it sound absurd and fun? I would like to keep creating works like this that would stir up one’s imagination.
Ryuju Kitajima / 北嶋 竜樹

Born in Osaka in 1983. Relocated to Kyoto from Tokyo in 2021, where he would establish his project neutral.
Creates works that simulate various perceptual experiences that are acquired through eating. In addition to his exploration of traditional Japanese Buddhist Cuisine and Japanese food culture, his work that interprets veganism culturally and literary are approached through diverse factors including religion, philosophy, cultural anthropology, and archeology.
株式会社 無茶苦茶(Mucha-Kucha Inc.)
"Respect and Go Beyond"をミッションに日本の総合芸術である「茶の湯」
With the mission of "Respect and Go Beyond," the company is developing an art production business that raises the spirituality and aesthetics of the tea ceremony by "reinterpreting" the comprehensive Japanese art of "chanoyu" by crossing it with various domains such as technology and street culture.